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International Standardization (Chilin) Forum 2022 Held in Nanjing


The International Standardization (Chilin) Forum 2022 was held on August 20 in Nanjing, capital of Jiangsu province, which was attended by Mr. Xu Kunlin, Governor of Jiangsu province, and addressed by Dr. Tian Shihong, Vice-Minister of State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) and Administrator of Standardization Administration of China (SAC).

 Mr. Zhou Guoping, Member of the Party Committee of State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC), Mr. Hu Guangjie, Vice-Governor of Jiangsu province, Mr. Xia Xinmin, Mayor of Nanjing, and Dr. Shu Yinbiao, President of IEC also addressed the forum. And Mr. Lu Yong, Vice-President of All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce (ACFIC), Mr. Philippe Metzger, Secretary-General of IEC, Mr. Sergio Mujica, Secretary-General of ISO, Mr. Zhao Houlin, Secretary-General of ITU gave speeches via video.

 During the forum, the IEC International Standards Promotion Center (Nanjing) was established.

"The IEC International Standards Promotion Center (Nanjing) will provide research support to meet the strategic demands of international standardization development, promote services for regional economic development, and work in close liaison with IEC and other international standardiztation organizations", said Dr. Tian.

He also emphasized that relevant departments across the nation should play a positive role in realizing the goals of carbon peaking and neutrality in the following three aspects: accelerating the improvement of relevant standards system based on domestic conditions, jointly promoting the international standards for better sustainable development in the world, and creating a new era for standardization work with concerted efforts. 

 The forum was also attended by the representatives and experts from SAMR, MIIT, SASAC, ACFIC, Chinese Academy of Engineering, local government departments in Jiangsu and Nanjing, enterprises such as State Grid Corporation of China and China Huaneng Group, as well as national standards bodies of Germany and the U.K.