1. IEC SMB ahG 95: All-electric and connected society
IEC SMB set up ahG 95 All-electric and connected society to outline the SMB understanding of an all-electric and connected society as specified in the IEC Strategic Plan and to evaluate the needs for standardization activities. The task of the ahG includes the following:
• Provide recommendations on how to address the topic of all-electric and connected society in the IEC, including a proposal for organizing the standardization work in the IEC.
• Develop an initial mapping of areas related to the topic of all-electric and connected society.
• Identify communication needs in cooperation with IEC Secretariat’s Communication Division.
Link: https://www.iec.ch/dyn/www/f?p=103:85:535975591973::::FSP_ORG_ID,FSP_LANG_ID:28902,25
2. IEC SMB SEG11 :Future Sustainable Transportation
Convenor: Mr Feng NI
The tasks of the SEG 11 Future Sustainable Transportation includes the following:
• Collect best practices and use cases of public, shared transportation for developed and developing economies.
• Engage with TC/SCs including ISO and other market stakeholders on status and use of existing standards and on the need for new standards related to Future Sustainable Transportation.
• Formulate recommendations to SMB as appropriate.
• Carry out outreach activities to attract new stakeholders for IEC’s technical work
Link: https://www.iec.ch/ords/f?p=103:186:516474161513962::::FSP_ORG_ID,FSP_LANG_ID:23128