• Focus areas



1. IEC SMB ahG 95: All-electric and connected society


IEC SMB set up ahG 95 All-electric and connected society to outline the SMB understanding of an all-electric and connected society as specified in the IEC Strategic Plan and to evaluate the needs for standardization activities. The task of the ahG includes the following:

    Provide recommendations on how to address the topic of all-electric and connected society in the IEC, including a proposal for organizing the standardization work in the IEC.

     Develop an initial mapping of areas related to the topic of all-electric and connected society.

    Identify communication needs in cooperation with IEC Secretariat’s Communication Division.


Link:  https://www.iec.ch/dyn/www/f?p=103:85:535975591973::::FSP_ORG_ID,FSP_LANG_ID:28902,25

2. IEC SMB SEG11 :Future Sustainable Transportation

Convenor: Mr Feng NI


 The tasks of the SEG 11 Future Sustainable Transportation includes the following:

     Collect best practices and use cases of public, shared transportation for developed and developing economies.

     Engage with TC/SCs including ISO and other market stakeholders on status and use of existing standards and on the need for new standards related to Future Sustainable Transportation.

     Formulate recommendations to SMB as appropriate.

     Carry out outreach activities to attract new stakeholders for IEC’s technical work

Link: https://www.iec.ch/ords/f?p=103:186:516474161513962::::FSP_ORG_ID,FSP_LANG_ID:23128